How often should you really wash your hair? Just ask anyone and you’ll get various answers because every hair type is different. It’s the very reason why it’s difficult to develop a hair care routine without consulting specialists. At the heart of this debate is the need for a picture-perfect haircare routine. Here’s what our Bosley recommends about how often to shampoo and what you should use to do it. We’ll also give you tips and tricks on using the best Bosley hair products.

How Can You Tell The Texture Of Your Hair?

You might be wondering what the texture of your hair has to do with shampooing. It actually has everything to do with it because you can’t develop a hair care routine that works until you know your hair texture and the complex issues that affect scalp health or strand growth. You will want to identify hair growth patterns (straight, curly, wavy, or coarse), density, and strand thickness.

Hair Growth Patterns

To identify your hair type, place your hair between your fingertips. Your hair strands are fine if you can’t see them. They are moderate if the texture is not fine or thick. Your hair strands are a coarser texture if you can feel a thicker or wider consistency.

  • Straight Hair

    Straight hair is stronger and more durable than other hair types. As it grows in a conventional pattern, sebum also easily travels downward and promotes moisture. 

  • Curly Hair

    Curly hair grows in tight ringlets from the scalp to the ends and has a thicker texture. Curly hair tends to tangle easily and get more oiler than other hair types. 

  • Wavy Hair

    Wavy hair grows in an “S” pattern. It can also range from curling at the ends to frizziness. Wavy hair requires additional hair care as it’s slightly unmanageable.

  • Coarse Hair

    Coarse hair has a thick texture that is fragile and difficult to manage. This hair type also grows in “S” or “Z” shapes that are dry, kinky, and brittle. This type of texture will require deep conditionings and masques to make strands easy to style.

Hair Density

  • Fine Hair 

    Fine hair tends to be brittle and susceptible to styling damage. It’s also harder to hold a style, but it can feel heavier from an abundance of styling products. Because of the necessary styling techniques, hair strands are prone to breakage and will appear thin and weak. It’s also oiler, so blowouts won’t last too long.

    *Try Our Follicle Energizer For Finer, Thinner Hair Types*

  • Moderate

    Moderate hair types are the most common as strands are easy to style and not as fragile as finer or coarser textures. Moderate textured hair also appears thicker as the hair follicles are intermediately sized and located on the entire scalp area.

  • Coarse

    Coarse hair typically has a thicker, sturdier texture and grows from all three layers of the shaft. It is better suited texturally to heating tools without breaking as quickly as fine or coarse but can be resistant to chemical and coloring treatments. 

    *Try A Moisture Masque For Dry, Brittle Hair Texture*

    *Try A Strengthening Masque For Damaged Or Lifeless Hair Textures*

How Is Hair Thickness Determined?

The number and hair follicles and scalp health control the thickness of hair strands. If your hair follicles are small, they will produce finer hair. If your follicles are larger, they will produce thicker hair. You have about 100,000 follicles on your head, but their health regulates thickness.

Which Parent Determines Hair?

Both parents contribute a genetic allele that controls hair characteristics, so you can’t identify hair type with a singular genetic qualification. It is how the genetic sequencing interacts between the two parents that ultimately determines a person’s hair strand type, color, texture, and density. 

How Often Should I Wash My Hair?

If your hair is fine or straight, you will experience dirtier, oilier hair than other hair types. You should wash your hair every other day. Curlier hair doesn’t transfer oils to the strands because of the shape of the hair, so it doesn’t get as dirty or oily so often. You can wash curly or dry hair twice a week at most. Coarse hair can go longer without cleaning, so try once a week to start. 

If you are more prone to overproduction of sebum, you likely have to wash your hair every day. If so, you really want to evaluate the ingredients in the hair products you are using as they are not effective enough to control the oils with just a cleansing. Excessive oil can block your hair follicles and cause damage. Try using a boar bristle brush three times daily or use dry shampoo. 

Dry shampoos help you lengthen the time in between regular shampoo schedules. You can buy them in aerosol spray or dry powder. If you have graying hairs, an aerosol spray will help you hide them. Dry shampoo powder is also beneficial for lots of non-cleansing reasons. If you have thinning hair, the powder boosts hair thickness, so you can apply it, style it, and start your day.

Using a dry shampoo can also be a life-saver. If you love your snooze button more than you like your morning shower, dry shampoo is the perfect go-to for those days you are running late. Just shake, brush, and run for the door. After you apply it, the clear powder blends in with your natural hair color and fortifies the strands by creating fuller, thicker hair that is easy to style. 

Lifestyle Choices

Your lifestyle choices can greatly affect your hair follicle and scalp health but also hygienic needs. Your hair texture might also require more cleansing and styling than other types. If you work out or apply heat to give your hair more texture, you just might be washing unnecessarily. 

How Often Should I Wash My Hair If I Exercise Every Day?

A person exercising can sweat up to 1.4 liters an hour, so it’s routine to jump into the shower after a workout. The question people ask a lot is if one should wash hair every day after exercising. Fitness experts advise those working out intensely to only wash hair two or three times her week. You actually don’t have to shampoo and can opt for a dry shampoo instead. 

*Use Bosley Volumizing Dry Shampoo Before Workouts To Absorb Sweat And Oils*

Expert Bosley Tips And Tricks On Shampooing And Styling

When you cleanse your hair, you want to get the most out of the experience, so try these tips.

  • Rinse your hair with warm water before you shampoo to remove sebum build-up. It also opens up hair cuticles and absorbs shampoo and conditioning hydration.
  • Only use a small dollop of shampoo to avoid over slathering your scalp and hair.
  • Work the shampoo gently on the scalp in circular movements to avoid shedding excessively. Avoid up and down movements to lessen tangles and hair-pulling.
  • Don’t wash your hair more than once as it causes hair to become weak and brittle.
  • Do not use hot water to rinse your hair as it will cause dehydration. Instead, rinse strands with cool water to close the cuticles and lock-in hydration and nutrients.
  • Do not apply shampoo to the hair strands as the tresses are aging and will lead to breakage when moving the shampoo up and down the strands. Apply all shampoos directly to the scalp. When you rinse away the shampoo from the scalp, it will transfer the lathering suds to the strands as the water moves downward.
  • Only apply your conditioner to the hair ends as it is the oldest growth that doesn’t get much sebum from the scalp. Ends are also prone to breakage and damage.
  • Use Bosley’s Rejuvenating Scalp Scrub once monthly to exfoliate dead cell buildup, promote scalp health, and boost cell regeneration for thicker hair.
  • When drying your hair, use a micro-fiber towel and avoid pulling or tugging it as it can seriously cause trauma to your hair follicles, which leads to thinning or loss.

Can I Wash My Hair Daily With Water Only?

Absolutely! Water is a great way to rinse dirt from your hair during the non-shampooing days. You’ll find that this strategy is best for curly, thick hair types of moderate and coarse textures.

How Often Should You Wash Your Hair If You Are Balding?

If you are experiencing thinning or balding, our Bosley experts recommend washing no more than three times a week. Also, try Bosley for Men and Bosley For Women for hair regrowth.

Best Shampoo For Thinning Hair

Bosley Shampoo and volumizing conditioners are formulated for people who are thinning or balding. Not only do our shampoos rejuvenate your scalp and hair, but they contain DHT inhibitors and anti-aging ingredients that boost hair regrowth and fortify and strengthen strands. Ingredients like LifeXtend Complex also fortifies follicles and boosts thicker, fuller tresses.

As you can see, knowing when to shampoo is just as important as knowing how to properly do it. In addition to the best shampoo for thinning and balding, Bosley hair products include the best styling products on the market to help you maximize the benefits of follicle cell regeneration.